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  • While You Were Away: Time billionaires, Escape velocity, and the most powerful paradoxes of life.

While You Were Away: Time billionaires, Escape velocity, and the most powerful paradoxes of life.

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Each week I curate the best content from Twitter & deliver it directly to your inbox. It's the things you may have missed, While You Were Away. I hope you enjoy!

Escape Velocity: What it can teach us about physics & life.“Get a cup of coffee.” Perhaps my favorite opening line for any series of threads on Twitter.@10kdiverbegins each post with this gem which tells your brain, “get comfortable, you’re going to be here a minute, & you’re probably going to learn something.”

“One of the only true shortcuts in life is finding an expert and apprenticing under them. - James ClearA great piece from @NdamukongSuh on the power of finding a good mentor.

Zoom: The origin story…By now, we’re all familiar with the $130B tech giant.The part you don’t know? It all started with one man’s wish to see & talk to his girlfriend more often. @heybereket breaks it down for us here:

Who doesn’t love a good crime story?If I assume you’re like everyone else on this planet and can’t seem to get enough of them, this next thread is for you.@DavidZabinskyshares the tale of the only unsolved plane hijacking in US history.

Web3, the creator economy, whatever you want to call it, it’s coming…I genuinely believe we’re on the cusp of the next big shift in how the world works. Fascinating article here from@ljin18on the furtire of creators & ownership.

Loved this one from@warikoo… JUST GET STARTED!!

Writing is hard.It’s even harder when you don’t have a system.So if we’re going to learn, why not learn from one of the best in the game? The framework @david_perell provides here is an outstanding place to start.

Time Billionaire?!?!?This concept from @joe_portsmouth (& Pomp) was a new one for me. Judging by the virality of this thread, it resonated with a few others as well.As of the time of this writing, 27,600 of you “liked” this one! If you haven’t seen it, now’s your chance.

When you’re the best, you’re the best.What more is there to say?An amazing thread from my friend @SahilBloom.

Thanks for reading!

I’ll be back next week. Until then, have a great weekend and be well.