• While You Were Away
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  • While You Were Away - Learnings from CIA agents, overcoming fear, & avoiding the "messy middle."

While You Were Away - Learnings from CIA agents, overcoming fear, & avoiding the "messy middle."

Welcome to While You Were Away.

Two weeks in – 1,209 subscribers – we're just getting started.

If you're new and this is your first issue, my goal is simple:

Each week I curate the best content from Twitter & deliver it directly to your inbox. I hope you enjoy!

1: An interesting piece covering what Kevin calls the “messy middle.” The point where we’re continually trading our time for money hoping to someday buy the time back.Newsflash – it never happens.

2: Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, I’m guessing you’ve heard the rumblings about the future involving crypto, web3, NFT’s, and the like.Chris drops threads weekly breaking down this new world in an easy-to-digest format.

3: My favorite quote from Codie’s piece below… “I always regretted saying too much, I rarely regretted saying too little.” Man, if that isn’t the truth…

4: A quick thread from Mags detailing the potential benefits of “tokenized” loyalty programs as compared to current systems. If you’re interested in tech and where the future is possibly headed, Magdalena is a great follow for all things web3.

5: What do board meetings at some of the world’s biggest companies have in common? Learn from someone who’s been there…

6: With all of the hubbub surrounding the possibility of a DAO buying the constitution this week, I went down a bit of a rabbit hole trying to learn exactly what a DAO is. Sarah provides one of the better explanations I’ve seen.

7: “Humans are the only creatures that go faster when they’re afraid.” I’d never really thought about it quite like that until reading this thread.7 questions that will help you identify & overcome your fear… Great read.

8: You’ve been told your entire life that reading is good for you… Alex helps us to understand why.

9: Ryan is 27. He’s built 2 unicorns.He might know a thing or two about selling…Enjoyed this selection covering his process for building a sales team.

10: I couldn’t resist sharing these photos… Amazing

11: The origin story of Yahoo! TIL…