While You Were Away: Feb 6, 2022

🧠 Thought for the upcoming week:

The 30-60 rule: A simple rule to encourage team members to be resourceful yet practical. When stuck, spend at least 30 mins trying to solve the problem before asking for help, but not more than 60min. Don’t get lost boiling the ocean. – Jesse Pujji


When it comes to visualizing complex ideas, Sachin Ramjeis the best I’ve seen on Twitter. Check out his latest below––inspired by another amazing thread from Sahil Bloom.

On understanding Balance Sheets…

On journaling…

On Angel Investing / deal flow…

On NFT’s…

Questions you should be asking your customers…

On processing failure…

Ben Franklin’s 13 principles…

On Bored Apes…

On changing your life–2 minutes at a time…

On leading others well…

This one’s tough, but worth the read…